Most Macintosh programs have an Undo command (Command-Z) of some sort. After all, everyone makes mistakes. While previous versions of HTML.edit allowed for Undoing any manually-typed changes, there was no Undo command for the compound changes performed by the many HTML commands in HTML.edit.
The Undo HTML command (Command-Shift-Z) undoes the last changes made by HTML.edit to the current document when using any commands from the palette or Command key equivalents. This includes all conversion and replacement commands from the Utility menu as well.
If the last command performed was in error, use this guide:
Command Command Key When to use:
Undo Command-Z errors while typing
Undo HTML Command-Shift-Z errors made while performing
any HTML commands
1. Note that when performing global ("All Documents") changes using the Replace command, only those changes (if any) made to the currently displayed document can be undone, not those made to other documents. The ability to undo is lost (ie., the memory of the state of the document before your changes occurred) whenever you navigate between cards or continue typing. This means that any global changes are permanent.
2. Using the regular (Command-Z) Undo command after using an HTML command will usually have no effect, but may in some cases only partially undo the changes.
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